genuine interest

My Sect
My Profession
Health Care Professional
Marital Status
United Kingdom
Registration Reason
I'm registering to find myself a partner
A Little Bit About Me

I am a genuine kind hearted individual looking for someone on same wavelength as myself. Looking to move forward into a new happy exciting chapter of my life together with the special someone!

I have previously been married which was short-lived. Wasn’t an easy or nice experience but with the blessing of Allah SWT it has made me wiser,stronger and moulded me into the person i am today.

I enjoy reading, going to the gym, watching movies, cooking experiments!, occasional shopping and just having a good old cosy night in relaxing as well as meeting up with friends and family. i enjoy exploring new areas/places where possible, trying out things at least once e.g. canoeing, golf, sushi, hillwalking and even flying!

I would like to travel and explore the world and see and do more! i hope to share that journey with a special someone where we can share our memories and experiences with the future generation to come!

I work in local practice as an optometrist as well as in a charitable organization - Even though i really enjoy my work i keep work at work and family time separate.

I am from a religiously practising family who are also easy to get along with. We have Hafiz in our family, I do wear a Hijab, and try to pray 5 times a day, recite Darud Sharif daily and read the Quran Sharif regularly.
I attending the I syllabus course (Islamic related course) once a week to enhance my knowledge in relation to our deen.

saying all that, i am not a religious freak but i like to keep improving myself and doing what i can - especially to gain knowledge for myself and hopefully my future family.

I am lighthearted and fun-loving allowing my childish side to come out at times!

I help mum and dad also; its safe to say i am quite domesticated, responsible, sensible in looking after the home, family and more.

I am looking for a genuine person not someone who wants a 'date' or 'mess about online' i want to settle down and move forwards looking ahead with someone by my side, who i can trust with my eyes closed, rely upon and look up to in life!

I have a good kind caring heart and nature and want someone who will appreciate this. I want someone similar who i can connect with for life. Someone who understands that even though marriage may have its ups and downs, that it can be a wonderful thing and is willing to be a good support to each other and have the intelligence and understanding in resolving matters that may pop up over time.

If there's any questions i am willing to answer/discuss things more once we get in touch, after all there's only so much you can say in words to convey your own self

If you are serious and think we may get along/interested..then all you need to do is get in touch! :-) leave the rest to Allah SWT

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What I Am Looking For
I have stated this above i guess, but i am looking for someone
-sincere, genuine,kind, trustworthy and understanding
-who will not only be my husband but my best friend (He will also see me as his best friend, in good and/or bad, happy and/or sad times)
-who is aware and takes interest in their Deen and will want to learn and grow in this with me
-who will cheer me up when i am down and vice versa
-who cares and respects for his own family and will do the same with my family in the same manner
-someone who will appreciate and respect me as their wife as well as a friend, as i will do them
-someone who will give time to family and not only to work
-someone who is active, shares same interests and more
-someone who has a positive, sensible outlook to life but can be fun loving and lighthearted at times too, enjoying and appreciating the simpler things in life!

-most importantly i am looking for someone who is looking for a genuine halal relationship for life!

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Personal Information
My Citizenship
Country of Origin
Willing to Relocate?
I am Looking to Marry
My Income
Prefer not to say
Marital Status
Would I like to have Children?
Do I have children?
My Living Arrangements?
I Live With Family
United Kingdom
My Height
1.68m (5' 6")
My Build
My Hair Colour
Medium brown
Colour of My Eyes
Do I Smoke?
Do I Have Any Disabilities?
My Education Level
Bachelors degree
Subject I Studied
BSc Honours degree
My First Language
My Second Language
My Profession
Health Care Professional
My Job Title
My Sect
Yes Hijab
Prefer not to say
Are You a Revert?
Do You Keep Halal?
I Always Keep Halal
Do You Perform Salaah?